کتابخانه «شکوفایی و رشد»

کار ما، تخصصی، تربیت است؛ کوچینگ؛ مهارت شکوفا شدن و رشد دادن

کتابخانه «شکوفایی و رشد»

کار ما، تخصصی، تربیت است؛ کوچینگ؛ مهارت شکوفا شدن و رشد دادن

بهترین روشها، ترفند و تکنیکهای تربیت را
در کنار هم جمع کردیم...
پاسخهایی کاربردی، معتبر و تاحدامکان جامع به سوال های رایج...

«محمدرضا سرافرازی»
«محمدرضا سرافرازی»

طبقه بندی موضوعی وبلاگ اخلاق و تربیت

بازگشت به فهرست اصلی

گرفته شده از سایت مرکز تحقیقات اخلاق و پزشکی ایران

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality


Asian Bioethics Association


Bioethics Advisory Committee


Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences


European Coalition to End Animal Experiments


Food Ethics Council


Gene Ethics Network


Human Genome News


HumGen International


International Council for Global Health Progress


Iranian Association for Ethics in Science and Technology


John Hopkins Medicine Resources


National Consultative Ethics Committee for the Life and Health Sciences (France)


National Institude of Health


National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences


Nuffield Council on Bioethics


Office of Science Policy Analysis


Scottish Council on Human Bioethics


The Hastings Center Report


The W. Maurice Young Centre for Applied Ethics


Agency for Health Care Research and Quality (AHRQ)




Biomedical and Healthcare Ethics Resources on the WWW


Careers in Bioethics


Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)


Communities of Color & Genetics Policy Project


Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)


DNA Patent Database


Ethics in Medicine


Ethics of Clinical Research in the Developing World


Ethics of Medical Research


Ethics Updates


European Federation of Biotechnology


European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies to the European Commission


Executive Order "To Prohibit Discrimination in Federal Employment Based on Genetic Information


GeneTests GeneClinics


Genetics and Ethics Web Directory


Genetics Education Center


Genetics Home Reference


Genetics Resources on the Web (GROW)


Health Insurance: MEDLINEplus


Health Training: Postgraduate Training Programmes in International Health




Human Genome Project


Human Genome Project (HGP) Information page by the Department of Energy


Human Subjects Research Enhancement Awards


Integrity in Scientific Research: Creating and Environment that Promopes Responsible Conduct


National Human Genome Research Institute


National Institute of Mental Health


NIH Inter-Institute Bioethics Interest Group


NIH Press Releases


NIH's Office of Biotechnology Activities (OBA)


On Being a Scientist: Responsible Conduct in Research


Online Ethics Center for Engineering and Science


Online Resource for Instruction in Responsible Conduct of Research


Parental Decision Making


Patient Issues: MEDLINEplus


Program on Ethical Issues in International Health Research


Question and Answers about the NIH Policy and Guidelines on the Inclusion of Children in as Participants in Studies Involving Human Subjects


Reports by the Office of Legislative Policy and Analysis


Research Involving Individuals with Questionable Capacity to Consent: Points to Consider


Research on Ethical Issues in Human Studies (R01)


Resources for Teaching Research Ethics


Science Ethics Bibliography


Scientists and Subjects: A Web-based Seminar on the Ethics of Research with Human Subjects


Short Course on Racial and Ethnic Minorities as Research Subjects: Challenges for Research Ethics


The Center for the Study of Bioethics of the Medical College of Wisconsin


The Gene Letter


The SNP Consortium Ltd


What can be patented

محمدرضا سرافرازی اردکانی

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