کتابخانه «شکوفایی و رشد»

کار ما، تخصصی، تربیت است؛ کوچینگ؛ مهارت شکوفا شدن و رشد دادن

کتابخانه «شکوفایی و رشد»

کار ما، تخصصی، تربیت است؛ کوچینگ؛ مهارت شکوفا شدن و رشد دادن

بهترین روشها، ترفند و تکنیکهای تربیت را
در کنار هم جمع کردیم...
پاسخهایی کاربردی، معتبر و تاحدامکان جامع به سوال های رایج...

«محمدرضا سرافرازی»
«محمدرضا سرافرازی»

طبقه بندی موضوعی وبلاگ اخلاق و تربیت

مراکز پژوهشی اخلاق در دنیا

Center for Applied Ethics and Legal Philosophy, The University of Glascow

Caroline Chisholm Centre for Health Ethics Inc

Center for Bioethics

Center for cognitive Liberty and Ethics

Center for Ethics and Humanities in The Life Sciences, Michigan State University

Center for Study of Ethics in the Professions, Illinois Institute of Technology

Central Committee on Research Involving Human Subjects

Centre for Clinical Bioethics, Georgetown University Medical Centre

Centre for Governance of Knowledge and Development, Globalisation and Health Project

Centre for Law and Genetics, University of Tasmania

Centre of Biomedical Ethics and Culture, Sindh Institute of Urology and Transplantation

Centre of Medical Law and Ethics, The School of Law, Kings College London

Christians in Science

Columbia University Medical Centre

Conjoint Faculties Research Ethics Board, University of Calgary

Course on Ethical Issues in International Health Research

Department of Health Care Ethics

Inter-Diciplinary Ethics Applied-A Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, University of Leeds

McGill University, Biomedical ethics Unit

National Coalition for Health Professional Education in Genetics

National Council on Ethics in Human Research

Online Ethics Centre

Poynter Center for the Study of Ethics and American Institutions

Southern Cross Bioethics Institute

St James Ethics Centre


The Linacre Centre for Healthcare Ethics

The Program on Ethical Issues in International Health Research. Harvard School of Public Health

The University of Toronto Joint Centre for Bioethics

University of Pennsylvacia- Bioethics.net

University of Pittsburgh

Vanderbilt Univercity Center for Ethics

Avicenna Research Institute

Bioethics and Humanities Unit, Airlangga University School of Medicine

Bioethics Cell, Indian Council of Medical Research

Center for Science, Technology and Society, Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University

Centre for Applied Ethics and Philosophy

Centre for Biomedical Ethics, Unversity of Birmingham

Centre for Ethics in Medicine, University of Bristol

Centre for the Study of Global Ethics

Medical College of Wisconsin

New York University Medical Humanities

Professional Ethics at Keele University

St Maryʼs Research Ethics Committee

University of Buffalo Center for Clinical Ethics and Humanities in Health Care


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