A Bundle of Flowers (Ayatullah Sayyid Kamal Faghih Imani)
A Closer Look at Christianity (Mohamed Qasem)
A Glance at Historiography in Shi'ite Culture (Rasul Ja'fariyan)
A Shi'ite Anthology (Allamah Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Tabataba'i)
A Short History of 'Ilmul Usul (Ayatullah Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr)
Abu Talib b. Abdul Muttalib (Kamal al-Syyed)
Adabus Salat (The Disciplines of the Prayer) (Imam Khomeini)
AHLUL-BAIT in the Qur'an and the Prophet's Traditions (Al-Balagh Foundation)
Al-Abbas (Peace Be Upon Him) (Abu Talib at-Tabrizi)
Al-Imam Al-Mahdi : The Just Leader of Humanity (Ayatollah Ibrahim Amini)
Al-Mizan (An Exegesis of the Qur'an) Volume One (Allamah as-Sayyid Muhammad Husayn at-Tabataba'i)
Allah: The Concept of God in Islam (Yasin T. al-Jibouri)
The Amazing Qur'an (Dr. Gary Miller)
Ashura - Misrepresentations and Distortions (Ayatullah Murtadha Mutahhari)
Ask Those Who Know (Sayed Mohamed Tijani Smaoui)
The Attraction And Repulsion Of Ali (A.S) (Ayatullah Murtada Mutahhari)
The Attributes of the Noble (Awsaf al Ashraf) (Khwajah Nasir al Din al Tusi)
The Awaited Saviour (Ayatullah Baqir al-Sadr and Ayatullah Murtada Mutahhari)

Beacons of Light: Muhammad, the Prophet, and Fatimah, the Radiant (Abu 'Ali al Fadl al-Tabarsi)

The Companions of the Holy Prophet (Ansariyan Foundation)

Discourse on Patience (Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamene’i)
Discussions Concerning al-Mahdi (May Allah hasten his return) (Ayatollah Safi Gulpaygani)

The Elixir of Love (Muhammad Rayshahri)
The Emergence of Shi'ism and the Shi'ites (Imam Sayyid Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr)
Eternal Manifestations: 80 Stories from the Life of 'Allama Tabatabai (ra) (Ahmad Luqmani)
Ethics and Spiritual Growth (Sayyid Mujtaba Musawi Lari)

Fadak In History (Shaheed Muhammad Baqir As-Sadr)
The Faith of Shi'a Islam (Aqaed-ul-Imamia) (Allamah Muhammad Rida al-Muzaffar)
Fast in the Month of Ramadhan (Yasin T. al-Jibouri)
Forty Hadith (Imam Khumayni)
Fundamentals of Islamic Thought (God, Man and the Universe) (Ayatollah Murtaza Mutahhari)

Glimpses of Shi'ism in the Musnad of Ibn Hanbal (Sayyid Kazim Tabatabai)
Goal of Life (Ayatullah Murtadha Mutahhari)
God and His Attributes (Sayyid Mujtaba Musavi Lari)
The Greatest Jihad: Combat with the Self (Imam Khomeini (ra))

Hajj (The Pilgrimage ) (Dr. Ali Shariati)
Hamza b. Abdul Muttalib (Kamal al-Syyed)
The Hereafter - Ma'ad (Ayatullah Dastghaib Shiraazi (q.s.))
History of Islam (Up to the Demise of the Prophet) (Mahdi Pishva'i)

Imam al-Rida - Historical and Biographical Research (Muhammad Jawad Fadlallah)
Imamate and Leadership (Sayyid Mujtaba Musavi Lari)
Imamate: The Vicegerency of the Prophet [s] (Sayyid Sa'eed Akhtar Rizvi)
Introduction to the Science of Tafsir of the Qur`an (Ayatullah Ja'far Subhani)

Ja'far al-Tayyar (Kamal al-Syyed)
The Journey of Imam Husain (from Kitab al Irshad by Shaykh al Mufid)
Journey of the Unseen World (Siyahat-e Sharq) (Ayatullah Sayyed Mohammad Hassan Najafi Quchani)
Jurisprudence and its Principles (Ayatullah Murtada Mutahhari)

Khadija-tul-Kubra (The Wife of the Holy Prophet) (Syed A.A. Razwy)
Knowing God (Sayyid Mujtaba Musavi Lari)

The Last Journey (Manazile Akherah) (Shaikh Abbas Qummi)
The Lantern Of the Path (Imam Jafar bin Muhammad bin Ali al-Sadiq (a.s.))
Lessons from the NAHJUL-BALAGHAH (Seyyid Ali Khamene’i)
Lessons from Qur'an (Muhsin Qara'ati)
Life Under The Grace of Ethics (Ayatullah Naser Makarem Shirazi)
Light Within Me (Mutahhari/Tabatabai/Khumayni)
Logic for Islamic Rules (Ayatullah Naser Makarim Shirazi and Ayatullah Ja'far Subhani)

Man and His Destiny (Martyr Ayatullah Murtada Mutahhari)
Man and Universe (Martyr Ayatullah Murtada Mutahhari)
Manasik al-Hajj (Ayatullah ul-Uzma Khamenei)
Master and Mastership (Ayatullah Murtada Mutahhari)
The Message (Ayatullah Ja'afar Subhani)
Mus'ab al-Khair (Kamal al-Syyed)

Nahj_al-Fasahah (Peak of Rhtoric; Maxims of the Holy Prophet, Muhammad (pbuh&hp))

The Origin of Shi'tte Islam and It's Principles (Allamah Shaykh Muhammad Husayn Al Kashifu 'lghita')
Our Belief (A Brief Description of Islam, as the) Shiite Believe (Ayatullah Naser Makarim Shirazi)
Our Philosophy (Ayatullah Muhammad Baqir as-Sadr)

Perfect Man (Ayatullah Murtada Mutahhari)
Peshawar Nights (Sultanu'l-Wa'izin Shirazi)
Pioneer Culture to the Rescue of Mankind (An Intro. to Islamic Culture) (Allamah Muhammad Taqi Ja'fari)

Questions on Jurisprudence (Masa'il Fiqhiyya) (al-Imam 'Abd al-Husayn Sharaf al-Din al-Musawi)
The Qur'an: Its Protection from Alteration (Sayyid Sa'eed Akhtar Rizvi)
The Qur'an in Islam; Its Impact and Influence on the Life of Muslims (Allameh Tabataba'i)

Resurrection Judgement and the Hereafter (Sayyid Mujtaba Musavi Lari)
The Revealer, The Messenger, The Message (Martyr Ayatullah Mohammad Baqir as-Sadr)
The Revolution of al-Husayn [as] (Shaykh Muhammad Mahdi Shams al-Din)
The Role of Holy Imams (A.S) in the Revival of Religion (Allamah Seyed Murteza Askari)

Salat (Prayer): The Mode of Divine Proximity and Recognition (Ayatullah Mirza Mahdi Isfahani)
Seal of the Prophets and His Message (Sayyid Mujtaba Musavi Lari)
Secrets of the Hajj (Misbah al‑Shariyah wa Miftah al‑Haqiqah) (Ayatullah Shaikh Husain Mazaheri)
Self Building (An Islamic guide for Spiritual Migration towards God) (Ayatullah Ibrahim Amini)
Self-Knowledge (Muhammad Ali Shomali)
Shi'ism: Imamate and Wilayat (Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi)
The Shi'ah are (the real)Ahl al-Sunnah (Dr. Muhammad Tijani al-Samawi)
Sociology of the Qur'an (Ayatullah Murtadha Mutahhari)
Spiritual Sayings (Ayatullah Murtadha Mutahhari)

Tenets of Islam (Shaykh Tusi)
Then I was Guided (Sayed Mohamed Tijani Smaoui)
Trends of History in Qur'an (Ayatullah Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr)
Tradition of Mufaddal (Pearls of Wisdom from Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq (a)) (Narrated Mufaddal ibn Umar )

Uswat Al-Aarifeen, A Look at the Life of Ayatullah Bahjat (Yasin Jibouri)

Wahhabism (Ayatullah Ja'far Subhani)
Woman And Her Rights (Ayatullah Murtada Mutahhari)